Position: Backend Developer
Tech stack: PHP - Laravel - Symfony - MySQL - Git - Linux - Docker - MongoDB - Redis
- mostly updating legacy projects, changed php codes to new versions
- query optimizations, adding new features
- symfony(old version not maintained) and silex(old versionnot maintained), mysql, docker, php7.4, javascript, ajax,html, css
Position: Backend Developer
Tech stack: PHP - Laravel - MySQL - Git - Linux - Docker - RabbitMq
- hidoctor.health adding new services, new providers,updating apis
- laravel 5 and laravel 8, mysql, docker, php 7.3, php7.4,javascript, ajax, html, css
Position: Software Developer
- araba.com, tasit.com developing new features, bug fix
- maintain projects using symfony4, php7, javascript,mongodb, mysql, docker, git, jira,
- helping foregin teams for database migrations
Position: Software Developer
Tech stack: PHP - Magento - MySQL - Git - Bashscript - Docker
- Making development environment tool with BashScript,Docker
- Learning Magento 2
- Developing E-commerce custom modules for specific customers
- Cargo module entegrations, shipping moduleentegration,payment module entegration
Position: Junior Software Developer
Tech stack: PHP - Symfony - MySQL - Git - Nginx - Docker
- CAS(Content and Additional Services) Team
- PHP(7+), Composer, Symfony2,Symfony4, MongoDB, MySQL, JavaScript, Git, JIRA
- Responsible more than 10 projects(CMS,CRM,Insurance,Bilgi etc.)
- Maintaining,renovation,refactoring,problem fixing, developing new features are my duties on this team.
- We were using Scrum for team managment.
Position: Junior Software Developer
Tech stack: PHP7 - CodeIgniter - MySQL - HTML - CSS - JavaScript - Jquery - Docker - Nginx
- I was responsible for core projects in software team. Bug fixing, optimizations and adding new features was my responsibilities.
- I made a WordPress plugin for Medianova CDN customers who are using WordPres for accessing Medianova CDN infrastructure.
Position: Software Developer Intern
Tech stack: PHP - CodeIgniter - jQuery - MySQL - Git - Memcached - Nginx
- Made a blog application with admin panel.
- Helped software development team by doing tasks(bugs,optimizations,features).
Position: Software Developer
Tech stack: Python
- Tried to make an app to deliver informations about customers to customers, but this project is failed.
Position: Software Developer Intern
Tech stack: PHP - Laravel - MySQL - Git - Bootstrap
- Web development